Sacred Geometry

                Stretching back into the recesses of history, perhaps farther than our minds can presently envision, lives an awareness of and an appreciation of sacred geometry. Sometimes etched within the minds of many, sometimes within only a few, often exalted, frequently demonized, still it was there, wafting through our world like invisible geometrical song lines. For those who began to understand its intricacies, it became known as a universal language, one tucked within and behind the very fabric of our form and structure. Believing that certain configurations could create a powerful sacred resonance, architects began to utilize geometrical formations within their blueprints for churches and key public buildings. Chartres in France comes immediately to mind. Spiritual adepts followed those same lines initiating others into the power of the portal and its opportunity (via reflection and meditation) of advancement into a life resonant with harmony and love.



THE GARDEN:    Picture a world lush with harmony and light. Where everywhere you turn things are aglow with vibrancy and love. This is a world full of creativity and delight. It is a world of balance where each of us prospers in the best of ways, and it is a world where we all get along. This is the place I call, The Garden.

TEMPLATES FROM THE GARDEN is a series that started over three years ago. The focus was designed to help create portals of light and love shining on THE GARDEN itself – that we might begin to see, hear, and live midst its land of harmony and balance once more, and so choose for ourselves a life of love. There have ended up being 33 templates in the series.

Done on high quality watercolour paper in gold, silver, and coloured pens, and invarious sizes, they have been purchased both as artwork and for those desiring a deeper connection, as Keepers of the energy and intent of that particular template.

Frequently large, they are all incredibly powerful; creating a harmonic portal of energy and beauty that radiates into the room and home they are placed in.

No new templates will be available in this series.


InnerPeaceWithWatermark(Small)THE FIRST WAVE of this series is now available – In print form, they are designed specifically for meditation, each with its own unique quality/focus. Please check the Meditation Template page for further information.MEDITATION TEMPLATES


There are a number of Universal Sacred Templates currently available for sale. Here is one…

Remembering the Joy (snippet image)

Remembering The Joy (snippet image)


Size: 11” x 22 ¼ “

Done on high quality watercolour paper, in gold, silver, light aqua & deep magenta pens


Focus:  Every moment is an opportunity to touch into the joy of life, to transform old thoughts, even if only for a second, so that the body, mind, spirit can open wide to allow JOY to burst through and call to the heart of being. When that happens, an inner alignment begins, cobwebs fall away, and a wave of joyful celebration can enter. This Gate provides the window for such experiences. It also reaches into deep space memory itself, and when it does, all that has ever delighted us in Joy comes forth. Whether you allow yourself to drink from its cup or not is up to you.


If these templates touch your heart and you feel you are meant to have one, leave a message below.



Love is the answer.

Always has been.       Always will be.