MAY LOVE PREVAIL                                by Aliana Alani ©2022

When the light of the world seems dim

And all that is sacred feels like dust in the wind

May Love Prevail

When days come laced with fear

And nights dipped in melancholic sadness

May Love Prevail

When anger and judgement assault the senses

And kindness and compassion dissolve in the mist

May Love Prevail

When all that is holy and full of light calls

From deep space heart into the Now

May Love Prevail

For if ever there was a time to remember

If ever a time to be true to who you are

It is Now

May Love Prevail

No matter how things may appear to be

No matter how desperate they may feel



Love WILL Prevail

                               Be the Love you are…


Wishing you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of Holidays.

May you find each moment filled with joy, and light, and love.

And may 2022 light up your life with infinite possibilities and the effortless manifestation of long-held dreams.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Earth Day

earth in space  2


Aloha Gaia!

I love you!!





Happy Earth Day, everyone!

Do something nice for Planet Earth today, will you. It’s a very special place that could use some TLC (that’s tender loving care, for those of you who may have forgotten). So go sprinkle some of that love dust you carry deep within. Water your garden of life, and of the earth. Spread a few seeds of love. And if it feels right, give thanks for the ability to live in such an exquisitely beautiful world.











Before we know…

                                                                       By Aliana Alani ©2019



As the sun begins its shine upon the morning,
Sending flecks of gold light along its path,
I find myself grateful.

Grateful for the budding warmth.
Grateful for the birdsong building.
Grateful for this garden of life,
You and I call – home.

A slow-turning globe of endless beauty.
A world that dazzles with its diversity
And humbles with its call to greatness.

Yes, things sometimes fall away.
They can crumble and burn unexpectedly
Or ebb and tide when least desired.

Tears fall then. Hearts crack open.
And when they do, before we know,
Before we understand,
New life has begun.

A new dawn
And the garden, more abundant than before

Our garden –

                A garden of Love.


sunflower garden










Yes, yes, it’s 2019 … almost.

fireworks with heartI’m recognizing that where you are, the clock may have flipped itself into 2019 BUT HERE it’s still in the ‘I’m-about-to-be’ stage, approaching ever-so-soon but not quite yet (don’t you just love TIME). SO, here’s a big blossoming blooming YEA! to 2019.

May it be the most magical love-filled year ever … May each of us dare to be the best we can be … And may we all reach deep into our hearts and share with each and everyone we meet that wondrous loving kindness that lives within.

WHY?     Because Love IS the answer!

And remember – corny as it may sound – You are starlight, each and every one of you … and that means – wait for it – you are golden!

Be the love.    Share the magic.



burning candles, like a heart

Dare to love…


Perhaps Martin Luther King said it best – “Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.”

As we wake up to the news of increasing hatred and violence, and all the pain and suffering that can bring, this thought comes to mind –

Dare to be the light of love unto your world. For YOU and your light of love are needed. Perhaps now more than ever. Never doubt that. Never doubt the power of love.

Kind thoughts … Kind words … Love in Action.



It’s December 1st – and we are now in count-down – the last month, the last days for ordering a commissioned template created specifically for you, whether personal or logo.

As you may remember, December 31st is the very last day I will be able to do this work for you. After that, the door closes, and personally commissioned gates will no longer be available.

This date is firm. There will be no exceptions.  So if having a gate created uniquely for you is important, please do not hesitate. Message or email me now.

Gates are powerful, life-changing, life-affirming tools – portals into a better way of being for a more loving world.

So if you feel it in your heart to have one, act now.

Bless you, for the beauty that you are.


Happy Thanksgiving

autumn leavesIt is Thanksgiving Weekend here in the Great Not-White-Yet North – traditionally a time of gratitude for all that you have been blessed to receive during the past year, and a prayer of thanks for all you hope to receive in the year to come.

Here it is also Autumn – a time when the leaves turn many colors, and at their perfect time, carpet the ground below. They dance midst the winds with a kind of reckless abandon as though they know their time is running short. I find myself incredibly grateful to watch them on this sunny day. I have always loved the dance of leaves.

I am grateful also for you, wherever you are – friends and strangers – those who click ‘like’ here and those who choose to ‘follow’. Thank you for dipping into the well that is 22shangrila and thank you for hanging around. Whether we have met or not, you make everything a bit brighter.

We live in an exquisitely beautiful world. Not always easy to remember in the midst of chaos, I know. So thank you for noticing its beauty, for taking the time to breathe it in, and for honoring it in your lives. For that, and for all you dare to do that is full of love, I am most grateful.

To you all, and to this very special planet which we all call home – THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

May your days be ever blessed with love.

Inner Peace & What’s New

There’s a new posting on the WHAT’S NEW page. Click here to check it out WHAT’S NEW   It’s all about the INNER PEACE Meditation Template that you can get in print form  FREE-OF-CHARGE right now.

If ever there was a time that peace within was needed, it sure is now – so go take a peek and if you want a copy, leave a message here or email me at Remember you will need to pay for shipping/packaging.

May peace walk within every step and every breathe you take. Bless you.

To Be or Not…

TO BE OR NOT…                                                                            by Aliana Alani ©2017

This is a long read so hang in there with me.

As I was counting my blessings yesterday morning, I found myself giving thanks for living in a relatively peaceful country. I say relatively because we all have little chaos gremlins spinning around in our minds from time to time encouraging us to bitch about this or that, whether this or that is even worthy of bitching about (gremlins, you might remember, don’t actually care about worthiness and are not known for being discriminatory at all). So it’s easy enough to get on that bandwagon without really thinking about it and well, give out, as they say. Giving out being a golden road to heaven for a gremlin.

maple leafThat said, Canada is a decent country. Most people generally do get along. We have a high percentage that believe in kindness as a path to well-being, like the idea of a healthy environment, and would prefer dialogue to out & out warfare. Sure there are things to change, things we could get better at, things we should get better at, and yes there is the issue of the weather – this is where you are to picture intense chill and vast amounts of white flakes falling for far too many months at a time. Clearly I am not one of those who love to ski.

So there I am basking in the soft air of blessedness and tranquility. Grateful all the way to those maple syrup rafters for being in a peace-filled land. Until I turned on my computer and read the latest news.

Now, I am not one for getting political on this site. I admit there have been fleeting moments when I have dipped the tips of toes into those waters, but generally no. This is a site for soft words, for the poetic, for blossoming gardens, for life built anew in beauty and love.

So forgive me as I step outside of that realm. It is precisely because of that realm – the realm of a peaceful loving world – that I do in space  2

WHEN A MAN IN THE ROLE OF LEADER OF A LARGE COUNTRY dares to say, in front of a vast group of other leaders and representatives from many countries in the world, that he would not think twice (if provoked of course) of TOTALLY DESTROYING a country – this should be a warning to us all to stand up and say – Not On My Watch, thank you very much! Why? Because if we don’t, if it becomes okay to blatantly speak of obliterating another country, especially in this nuclear age, as if it were all a computer game to be won or lost by the best little twinkie in town, then we are dangerously close to crossing a line that we, as a human species, may not recover from – certainly not in this incarnation.

I am not naive. I realize that one country desiring to take over another is not new (it may not be good but it’s certainly not new). Nor is it new to have despots clamoring for power. Look around. We seem to be full of them these days. I get that in many ways this is but history repeating itself. But must we? Must we repeat this? Have we learned nothing from the suffering and devastation of the past, let alone what’s going on right now?  Have we learned nothing from Hiroshima? Do we honestly think that we could have a war (no matter the excuses we give for its rightness), obliterating a country (and its entire people by the way) full of nuclear energy, perhaps using nuclear weapons to do it, and not have it affect the rest of the world? Do we think we can get off scot-free from such actions? Clearly the Man in the Role of Leader of a Large Country thinks he can, if he’s thinking about it at all!

And that begs the question – does anyone, role of leader or no, have the right to make such choices – choices that could, probably would, intimately affect the rest of humanity and the planet? Clearly the Man in the Role of thinks he does. And that is a most worrisome thing.


If we truly desire a world of harmony and love, then we must do everything we can to bring that into being, and from the looks of things, we must do it now.

Each in our own way, we can stand up and say, NO – Not in my World – Not on my Watch!  But what about the positive – the YES. What can we do there? As is often the case, it’s the small yet constant that makes a difference. Those little thoughts and actions that build like droplets in an ever-growing wave. You don’t think they’re going anywhere until suddenly you turn around and, poof, there’s your new life. In this case, a blossoming peaceful world.

So now would be a good time to envision it within your heart and mind – make it into a grand movie that you delight in watching again and again. Cultivate the still point within each and every day so that you bring as much peace to the equation as you can – remember, every moment of peace sends a ripple into the world and makes a difference. Water the garden of your life and world as if it were your child and you the parent nurturing it into wellness and exquisite being. Speak words that encourage love and compassion, to those you know and those you don’t know. Whatever you do in your day, do it with love. Smile often. Laugh much. Stand up and be counted. Write about it. Paint it. Share stories. Whatever is your talent for helping this world be better, use it. And as the old adage says, ‘treat people the way you would want to be treated’.

This is a world crying out for love.  Dare to love it back. Please.

And remember – deep within, YOU are the stuff of dreams. The love that passes all understanding. The divine flame that burns eternal and everlasting – YOU.

You are needed. We are all needed. And we are needed now.

NAMASTE, and thank you.

burning candles, like a heart