MAY LOVE PREVAIL                                by Aliana Alani ©2022

When the light of the world seems dim

And all that is sacred feels like dust in the wind

May Love Prevail

When days come laced with fear

And nights dipped in melancholic sadness

May Love Prevail

When anger and judgement assault the senses

And kindness and compassion dissolve in the mist

May Love Prevail

When all that is holy and full of light calls

From deep space heart into the Now

May Love Prevail

For if ever there was a time to remember

If ever a time to be true to who you are

It is Now

May Love Prevail

No matter how things may appear to be

No matter how desperate they may feel



Love WILL Prevail

                               Be the Love you are…


Wishing you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of Holidays.

May you find each moment filled with joy, and light, and love.

And may 2022 light up your life with infinite possibilities and the effortless manifestation of long-held dreams.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Some new poetry…

There’s a new piece of poetry that I wrote, just put on the POETRY page entitled, AND SO IT IS… Click on the ‘poetry’ link below. Hope you enjoy it.


Have a beautiful day, night, morning, moment – wherever you are!

Be well and prosper!

HAPPY 2021!

Happy New Year!

JANUARY 1st, 2021 – a new day, a new year, and no matter how crazy things look at the moment, an opportunity for a new way of living and being. Yes, really.

I’m not talking about the new ‘normal’, as in how adaptive will we cramp ourselves into being. I’m talking about that 4-letter word – LOVE.

For 2021 is the year to live LOVE. Yes, really. To breathe LOVE, imagine LOVE, and shine LOVE forth in all its glory. It’s the year to share the LOVE that you are – to dig deep beyond the pain and sadness and find that shining light of love that’s been hiding in the crevices of your oh-so-vulnerable heart.

It’s the year to dare to be who you truly are. And that means to LOVE.

Yes, the world can look dark. Yes, it can feel scary. And yes, there are bound to be moments when you wonder whether it’s all worth it. But in that still-point voice deep inside, you know it is.

So go on now, grab those cherished dreams and bring them into reality. Dust off your visions, polish up your talents, unfold that bucket list, and LOVE them all into being. And then share them.

Be kind. Be caring. Be gentle. And most of all, be very good to YOU. Because if you can’t love you, how you can love anything or anyone else? Really.

2020 was, in many ways, a dark place for our world. Dark places can feel like they can go on forever. But the thing about dark places is this – all you really need to change them – is to turn on the light.

Your love is that light.


                                           HAPPY 2021 TO YOU ALL!


Love is the answer, always.

Doors closing, new ones opening…

Hello Everyone!

It’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted anything. Apologies for that. Winds blowing and all…

As with us all, change is everywhere. So it is with me. Please check the WHAT’S NEW page WHAT’S NEW to see some of what’s happening with my work.

We are at a time when Love is needed more than ever. Love of ourselves. Love of each other. Love of this beautiful planet.

In the midst of the spin and swirl, please take time to see beyond the drama and the chaos and begin to envision the world you truly want – for yourself, for your children, for the good of All – and then DARE (because it takes a bit of daring to do this at this time) – to be it, to see it, to stand true to it, and to call it into being each and every moment, with each and every breath you take.

I know that sounds arduous but it matters – and so do YOU!

Thank you for being the beautiful light of the Eternal that YOU truly are.

Thank you for choosing a world of harmony and love. Here. Now.

To All You Beautiful People…

In late March of this year, I sent the following writing to people on my email mailing listing. When reading it again today, I realized it is in many ways as relevant now as it was then. And so I send it your way in loving kindness in the hopes it might be of some aid to you during these times. It’s a long read so hang in there with me.


To All You Beautiful People:

I’ve been searching for the right moment to write, the right words to say, for the past week or so … How to reach out and remind you of how special you are, how much you matter. Here. Now.

These are challenging times. That’s obvious. As fear builds like a massive ocean wave, gaining speed a little more each day, it is easy to get swept into its midst and forget. Easy to succumb, and in succumbing, feel as though there is nothing in front of you but this escalating danger.

But you know better.

Most of you have been on the path of self awareness and spiritual discovery for years. You have dipped into its well of wisdom, read its books of possibility, and dared to open your hearts. Many of you have chosen to walk a path of mindfulness, listening deep, and then stepping forth in Love.

That Love is needed now, more than ever.

Many of you adhere to the knowing that what you focus on is what you create. That when you bring a depth of feeling to that focus, it helps speed it into your current reality. Perhaps the question to ask is – where is your attention now? What is it that you want to help bring into being? Here. Today.

There is always an opportunity to see things a different way.

So here is yours – If a kind, healthy, harmonious, peaceful, and loving world is what you want, then dare to put all your attention and feeling into that, yes even now. Walk each moment of each day as if it were so, because on another level it already is. Come home to that in your heart of hearts. And in the coming home, love it into being. And then be grateful for every blessed moment of it. Here. Now.

Whatever due diligence you feel you must do in the world at large,  do it of course, but from an energy of Love, not fear.

You are such beautiful souls, each one of you, and YOU are needed now. Your LOVE is needed now. Come home to what you know to be true in your hearts and live from there.

Some might say that we are here at this time because there are gifts to share. Gifts that can help us build a better world. So let’s share them, for the good of all. Here. And yes, NOW.

In Love, Light, & Infinite Possibilities




seashore under white and blue sky during sunset







Something new…

Hi Everyone!

I realize it’s been awhile since I’ve posted anything. Apologies for that. I have a couple of thoughts I do want to share soon, but for now, when you have a moment, head over to the WHAT’S NEW page to see the latest news. Just click here WHAT’S NEW

BIG thanks … and be sure to take very good care in these crazy times. Why? Because YOU matter.

Love & Infinite Blessings.


magnolia petal flower










I have news…

Hello Everyone!

First of all, it is my prayer that you are keeping healthy, happy, strong, positive, and beaming with Love!! And that you are giving and receiving all the nurturing you so deserve and require.


THE NEWS … I’ve just posted some NEWS on the WHAT’S NEW page, click here to view it WHAT’S NEW

As with us all, these times have provided opportunities to pause and reflect. Out of such moments, change often occurs. Such is the way for me with my Sacred Geometry work.

The Templates that are available are amazing and could be of great benefit to you. So go look at the page, listen with your heart, and see if any of it resonates. If it does, do make contact.


Blessings, Love, and much gratitude to you for the Love you are choosing to bring to our beautiful world at this precious fragile time.










As you walk the path of Love…


Here’s a wee mantra type affirmation to consider as you choose to walk Love’s path each day…

See with the eyes of Love

Listen with the ears of Love

Feel with the heart of Love

Breathe with the breath of Love


Use it as your ‘check list’ to see where your head and heart are in each moment. And remember…


each moment of each day, no matter what’s happening, no matter how it all looks.

So go on …


Be daring. Be the Love You Are.

Be well. Be happy. Share the joy.


Yes, even now … Especially NOW.






Remember this…

It’s easy to forget. In the midst of all the craziness, it’s easy to look around and think that all the closing doors and circulating fear is all there is now. But it’s not. That’s why I’m writing this, to say to you – remember.plumeria-blossoms-just-about-to-open


Remember how beautiful YOU are.  Even here, even now. Remember what an amazing expression of Love you are, whether you’ve been sitting at home in your pajamas for three days, haven’t combed your hair, and maybe haven’t slept much either. Whether you’ve been chewing on the latest news bites of fear every other moment of the day until you think you’re going to go a tad mad with it all. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t change who YOU truly are.


YOU are a Divine Expression of the Eternal Heart. And yes, the world seems to have turned itself upside down, and yes, things are challenging, and yes, you have to wash your hands more times than you’ve probably ever washed your hands in your entire life. It still doesn’t change who you are! Not deep inside.


single red rose 3

So breathe deep, be the courageous soul you know you are, dare to open that glorious heart of yours, and come HOME to the heart of YOU, and then breathe from there.



This world, OUR WORLD, is beautiful right here, right now. Look outside your window, step outside the door, see the sky. Drink in its beauty. Be grateful for it. Listen to the birds. Hear their song. Be grateful for them too. Feel the breeze on your face, or the sun shining. Be grateful for the infinite beauty that is around you every moment of every day. We take so much of it for granted. Be grateful for each breath you take. Be grateful for friends, family, for all that is yours to be, to have, and to share.


Come home to the deep-space love you are – because that space, that sacred wondrous space, knows that all is truly well, and that you, YOU, are doing just fine! No matter what appears to be happening on the outside.


Come home to the endless harmony of YOU, and then live from there.

And remember …

You are Love.

You are loved.

And you are not alone.



