As you walk the path of Love…


Here’s a wee mantra type affirmation to consider as you choose to walk Love’s path each day…

See with the eyes of Love

Listen with the ears of Love

Feel with the heart of Love

Breathe with the breath of Love


Use it as your ‘check list’ to see where your head and heart are in each moment. And remember…


each moment of each day, no matter what’s happening, no matter how it all looks.

So go on …


Be daring. Be the Love You Are.

Be well. Be happy. Share the joy.


Yes, even now … Especially NOW.






Hello All You Gorgeous People…

sunflower garden

In the midst of all the craziness out there – in case you might have forgotten (and understandably so) – remember – wherever you focus your attention, especially intensely, is what you help bring into being.

With that in mind, if you haven’t already, start giving thanks for the good health you have and that of friends and family every moment of every day. Give thanks to the world for being a world in balance and harmony. Yes, even now.

SEE and FEEL that balance and harmony with each step you take. Walk it as if it were true no matter what else appears to be around. Breathe it in until you know it is so! And then dare to LOVE that great good health and harmony into being NOW, for all and everyone.

And sure, wash you hands well. Do diligence on these things. But do them out of an energy of love, not fear.

It matters. And so do YOU.


You are Love, and you are most definitely loved.



yellow flowers



New info bits…

Hi All!

There are some new INFO BITS on the WHAT’S NEW page. Click here to check them out. WHAT’S NEW

As well…


This is my prayer – May you walk each day in the sunshine of the Heart of Love. And may you come to truly know, and live, the Love That You Are. 

For Love is the answer, always.









Prayers abound…


Prayers abound for the speedy recovery of His Holiness the Dalai Lama who is currently in hospital for a chest infection.

May the energies of healing love surround and assist him, may he heal fully and easily, and may he have a wonderful healthy long life.

We are forever grateful for his tireless efforts in promoting peace, compassion, and kindness in our world.












Prayers and Love…

This is for New Zealand … and for Christchurch


burning candles, like a heart


New Zealand, you are loved. Stay safe, stay strong, stay calm.


At this time of great challenge and utterly senseless violence, our prayers and love are with you. Each and every one of you. No one in our world should have to experience what you are going through today. Such violence and hatred have no place in a loving world.

And it is a loving world that we commit ourselves to even more today.

New Zealand is one of the most beautiful caring places I have had the privilege of spending time in. Its people are funny and generous and kind. Some are friends who I hold dear. It is one of those special places on our planet that still carries within the very fabric of its earth and air, a sense of wonder and possibility. Its stories are both ancient and young.

That such violence has happened in Aotearoa, The Land of the Long White Cloud, saddens me greatly.


May angels of love and light guide your way and help you heal … each and every one of you.


Kia Ora – Kia Kaha

You are loved, New Zealand. You are loved.











A bit of poetry, sent with love

No Goddess Likes To Be Ignored                                    

by Aliana Alani ©2018



She enters your world like the goddess she is
Late or early, one knows not which
She has her own sense of time
Her own way

A flick of red-gold
A puff of smoke
Flirtatious, at first

She enters
And you pay her no mind, silly you
No goddess likes to be ignored

She beats the drum of her inner womb
Until you turn and look her way
Beats some more until you think – enough
But she has just begun

She’s claiming ground now
Caressing skin
Searching for the heart
Taking what is hers
What you thought was yours, silly you

Rumbling along the path of your tomorrows
Cracking wide the green of your todays
Filling the spaces, red-hot and wild

Call her if you can, if you will
But do not speak her name in vain
No goddess likes that either

Say to her only this:
I see you and I remember
Let us live in harmony, you and I
Aloha, Pele, Aloha, Aloha, Aloha



Check it out…!

There is new info on the WHAT’S NEW page with a wonderful Holiday Season discount offer coming soon. Click here to check it out WHAT’S NEW

Blessings and sparkle dust coming your way!

Digital Camera

For Manchester


By: Aliana Alani ©2017


Midst fragile light, a shadow comes.
Rippling forth like a wave of darkness
Upon a sea of budding hearts.

Leaving shards of broken memories
In its wake.

Do not leave them by the shore, alone.
Rather gather them, as a lover might,
Gently to the circle of your love.

Whisper softly, with tender words
That they may heal enough to travel

Boldly, once again
Into the untold possibilities
Of their Eternal hearts.


Prayers abound…

TO ALL THOSE IN CANADA in flood-stricken areas, our prayers are with you.

To Quebec, the Gatineau, Ottawa, the Okanagan of BC, and regions in the Maritimes experiencing flooding – stay strong, stay as dry as you can, and know that we are with you in spirit as you go through this difficult time.

May the waters recede, the rains lessen, the lands dry. May kindness and caring prevail for you wherever you are. May strangers and neighbours be your helping hand, now and during the days of clean up ahead and those of building anew.

I am reminded of the lotus flower that births forth out of the depths of the watery mud to be share its magnificence, serenity, and beauty with us all.

Even now, in the midst of devastation, such birthing is possible. May it be yours.

lotus flower

No more…

By: Aliana Alani ©2017

You will forgive me if I say – no more.
Forgive me, perhaps, as I turn away
From this game you seem unable, or unwilling,
To leave behind.

I have stood watch over your thirst for conquest.
Soothed your wounds of battle with my tears.
Mourned your spirits passing, bodies left in the cold of dark.

Many times the heavens turned, showering love
Like fertile seeds within the winds of sorrow
Upon the fields of story – your story
That you seem unable, or unwilling, to leave behind.

Many times did you drink from their cup gladly,
Relishing the moment, healing, even gratefully,
Only then to forget, yes again.

I have come more times than you can possibly imagine
To speak for love instead of hate
To light the way for gentler tomorrows,
And still it continues.

So you will forgive me, perhaps,
If I say – no more.

No more will I lament your passing nor watch
Sweet souls tumble to a blood-strewn earth.
No more will I bury your bones within the stars of light
That you may come to your senses and remember.

This game of war is yours and yours alone.
The courage to peace, to change, lives within.
It has always been thus, but this time it is up to you.
For next time, beloveds, you will be on your own.

You will forgive me, perhaps.
I will not come again.
