MAY LOVE PREVAIL                                by Aliana Alani ©2022

When the light of the world seems dim

And all that is sacred feels like dust in the wind

May Love Prevail

When days come laced with fear

And nights dipped in melancholic sadness

May Love Prevail

When anger and judgement assault the senses

And kindness and compassion dissolve in the mist

May Love Prevail

When all that is holy and full of light calls

From deep space heart into the Now

May Love Prevail

For if ever there was a time to remember

If ever a time to be true to who you are

It is Now

May Love Prevail

No matter how things may appear to be

No matter how desperate they may feel



Love WILL Prevail

                               Be the Love you are…


Wishing you the Merriest of Christmases and the Happiest of Holidays.

May you find each moment filled with joy, and light, and love.

And may 2022 light up your life with infinite possibilities and the effortless manifestation of long-held dreams.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

To All You Beautiful People…

In late March of this year, I sent the following writing to people on my email mailing listing. When reading it again today, I realized it is in many ways as relevant now as it was then. And so I send it your way in loving kindness in the hopes it might be of some aid to you during these times. It’s a long read so hang in there with me.


To All You Beautiful People:

I’ve been searching for the right moment to write, the right words to say, for the past week or so … How to reach out and remind you of how special you are, how much you matter. Here. Now.

These are challenging times. That’s obvious. As fear builds like a massive ocean wave, gaining speed a little more each day, it is easy to get swept into its midst and forget. Easy to succumb, and in succumbing, feel as though there is nothing in front of you but this escalating danger.

But you know better.

Most of you have been on the path of self awareness and spiritual discovery for years. You have dipped into its well of wisdom, read its books of possibility, and dared to open your hearts. Many of you have chosen to walk a path of mindfulness, listening deep, and then stepping forth in Love.

That Love is needed now, more than ever.

Many of you adhere to the knowing that what you focus on is what you create. That when you bring a depth of feeling to that focus, it helps speed it into your current reality. Perhaps the question to ask is – where is your attention now? What is it that you want to help bring into being? Here. Today.

There is always an opportunity to see things a different way.

So here is yours – If a kind, healthy, harmonious, peaceful, and loving world is what you want, then dare to put all your attention and feeling into that, yes even now. Walk each moment of each day as if it were so, because on another level it already is. Come home to that in your heart of hearts. And in the coming home, love it into being. And then be grateful for every blessed moment of it. Here. Now.

Whatever due diligence you feel you must do in the world at large,  do it of course, but from an energy of Love, not fear.

You are such beautiful souls, each one of you, and YOU are needed now. Your LOVE is needed now. Come home to what you know to be true in your hearts and live from there.

Some might say that we are here at this time because there are gifts to share. Gifts that can help us build a better world. So let’s share them, for the good of all. Here. And yes, NOW.

In Love, Light, & Infinite Possibilities




seashore under white and blue sky during sunset







so pretty…

little blue and white flowers


Even the smallest of flowers nestled along a forest pathway shine forth great beauty.



Celebrate the beauty of the day wherever you are, whatever you are doing. And remember, love is everywhere. Sometimes you have to open your heart a little wider to find it.




lotus flower






Earth Day

earth in space  2


Aloha Gaia!

I love you!!





Happy Earth Day, everyone!

Do something nice for Planet Earth today, will you. It’s a very special place that could use some TLC (that’s tender loving care, for those of you who may have forgotten). So go sprinkle some of that love dust you carry deep within. Water your garden of life, and of the earth. Spread a few seeds of love. And if it feels right, give thanks for the ability to live in such an exquisitely beautiful world.











Before we know…

                                                                       By Aliana Alani ©2019



As the sun begins its shine upon the morning,
Sending flecks of gold light along its path,
I find myself grateful.

Grateful for the budding warmth.
Grateful for the birdsong building.
Grateful for this garden of life,
You and I call – home.

A slow-turning globe of endless beauty.
A world that dazzles with its diversity
And humbles with its call to greatness.

Yes, things sometimes fall away.
They can crumble and burn unexpectedly
Or ebb and tide when least desired.

Tears fall then. Hearts crack open.
And when they do, before we know,
Before we understand,
New life has begun.

A new dawn
And the garden, more abundant than before

Our garden –

                A garden of Love.


sunflower garden










Yes, yes, it’s 2019 … almost.

fireworks with heartI’m recognizing that where you are, the clock may have flipped itself into 2019 BUT HERE it’s still in the ‘I’m-about-to-be’ stage, approaching ever-so-soon but not quite yet (don’t you just love TIME). SO, here’s a big blossoming blooming YEA! to 2019.

May it be the most magical love-filled year ever … May each of us dare to be the best we can be … And may we all reach deep into our hearts and share with each and everyone we meet that wondrous loving kindness that lives within.

WHY?     Because Love IS the answer!

And remember – corny as it may sound – You are starlight, each and every one of you … and that means – wait for it – you are golden!

Be the love.    Share the magic.



burning candles, like a heart

Dare to love…


Perhaps Martin Luther King said it best – “Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.”

As we wake up to the news of increasing hatred and violence, and all the pain and suffering that can bring, this thought comes to mind –

Dare to be the light of love unto your world. For YOU and your light of love are needed. Perhaps now more than ever. Never doubt that. Never doubt the power of love.

Kind thoughts … Kind words … Love in Action.


On December 31st, a door closes…

Recently I sent an email out to some who are my mailing list. Though I’ve been mentioning it here for awhile, it feels important to share the mailing with you – in case you missed the message(s)  – in case you want to order – but especially,  to say thank you.

To Friends & Clients:

On December 31st, 2017, a door closes – a door that opened over twenty-five years ago when I first started doing sacred geometry templates for people – Star Gates, they were called then. It has been a wonderful journey. A journey filled to overflowing with powerful energies and beautiful people who came to me with special dreams and visions ready to birth into being. Whether the gates they commissioned were for personal evolution or for their business or healing center – whether they were Master Gates (the big all-encompassing ones) or Logos (more petite yet potent) to represent a business in a geometrical way – all were portals of possibility that set the field for multidimensional evolution and facilitated the bringing into manifestation their life’s purpose and/or fondest dreams. Each was created via the often complex configurations we call, Sacred Geometry.

It has been an honour.D

If you are one of those who commissioned templates from me – thank you, thank you, thank you. May your dreams continue to blossom and your days be ever blessed.

For those of you who are perhaps pondering whether to order, clearly now is the time for there will be no new orders taken after December 31st. That date is firm.  If you would like more information regarding Personal Commissioned Templates or Logos, you are welcome to email me. Please do so quickly for time is running short.

Universal Templates (each with its own theme or focus) will still be created from time to time and be available to purchase (a few are available even now), but these are universal in nature and so connect to all, very different from having one that is specifically for you.

Thank you again for being a part of this Star Gate journey. Thank you for being the shining light that you are, and thank you for helping to bring joy into our troubled world.

Gateway to the Heart


In a few days, I’ll move this over to the WHAT’S NEW section so people can view it and so it doesn’t get lost in other postings. If you want a commissioned template, don’t hesitate. Leave a message below or email. Thank you.


Inner Peace & What’s New

There’s a new posting on the WHAT’S NEW page. Click here to check it out WHAT’S NEW   It’s all about the INNER PEACE Meditation Template that you can get in print form  FREE-OF-CHARGE right now.

If ever there was a time that peace within was needed, it sure is now – so go take a peek and if you want a copy, leave a message here or email me at Remember you will need to pay for shipping/packaging.

May peace walk within every step and every breathe you take. Bless you.