Blessings to you, Ram Dass

ram dassThe wondrous RAM DASS has left the planet and a light has dimmed upon his departure.

His ongoing spiritual journey was deep, immense, and a gift shared over so very many years. We are indebted to him – for his courage, his strength of purpose, his wisdom, laughter, and his willingness to deep-dive into the Eternal Heart. And for reminding us of who we truly are!

He will forever be remembered for breaking the mold and daring to be.

From the shores of Hawaii, a place he lived and loved, may the scent of plumeria waft heavenward and the exquisite breezes of the Aloha be a gentle companion to him as he soars toward the stars.

Blessings to you, Ram Dass!!   Mahalo.  Much Love.



aloha image






A little poetry … just because…



                                                      ©Aliana Alani 2018





I danced once
With the king of heaven
In the land of saffron


Midst tinkling bells
And droning chants
Along invisible pathways
And perfumed winds
That whispered sacred promises


I danced
Until what was could not be found
And only what could be remained


We danced, the king of heaven and I
In the land of saffron
Under a banyan tree of golden light
That only we could see


And when it was over
(if it was ever over)
Only Love remained



lotus flower



No more…

By: Aliana Alani ©2017

You will forgive me if I say – no more.
Forgive me, perhaps, as I turn away
From this game you seem unable, or unwilling,
To leave behind.

I have stood watch over your thirst for conquest.
Soothed your wounds of battle with my tears.
Mourned your spirits passing, bodies left in the cold of dark.

Many times the heavens turned, showering love
Like fertile seeds within the winds of sorrow
Upon the fields of story – your story
That you seem unable, or unwilling, to leave behind.

Many times did you drink from their cup gladly,
Relishing the moment, healing, even gratefully,
Only then to forget, yes again.

I have come more times than you can possibly imagine
To speak for love instead of hate
To light the way for gentler tomorrows,
And still it continues.

So you will forgive me, perhaps,
If I say – no more.

No more will I lament your passing nor watch
Sweet souls tumble to a blood-strewn earth.
No more will I bury your bones within the stars of light
That you may come to your senses and remember.

This game of war is yours and yours alone.
The courage to peace, to change, lives within.
It has always been thus, but this time it is up to you.
For next time, beloveds, you will be on your own.

You will forgive me, perhaps.
I will not come again.


Ask only…

                                                                    By Aliana Alani ©2016

tuberose 3

Ask not of others
to be what you want
them to be.

Ask only of yourself
to be who you
truly are.

And what is left…

By: Aliana Alani ©2016


And so it is that friendships
come and go.
And memories that seemed etched in time
begin to fade.

The imports of a life no longer
weave their spells.
Their words and thoughts no longer
holding sway.

And what is left is to the
alchemist pure gold.
A plot of heaven midst a field
of fertile light.

One solitary note. One single chord.
Echoing throughout the endless
chambers of the
Eternal heart.


Remember …

that deep within

You are the love you seek.

Warm wishes for a wonderful 2015 coming your way!  May all your fondest clearest and most empowered dreams come true, and may they always be filled with love.

We are almost at the end of January (how quickly it goes) and already it’s been a whirlwind of a time in our world. I’m coming to you late in this as are my good wishes to you. New Year’s found me flat out with that flu/cold virus that has swept across North America and so it’s taken awhile to rise up from that bed and catch up with, well just about everything.

So here’s goes … a bit of news on the work and a few thoughts re what’s been going on.

lotus flower

TEMPLATES FROM THE GARDEN – the sacred geometry artwork I’ve been doing. There’s a new one available. It’s called – Awakening Creativity. It’s big, it’s beautiful, it’s powerful. If you feel drawn to see it, to perhaps become a Keeper of its Focus or to buy it as artwork, send me a quick email c/o or leave a message here and I’ll get back to you with images and info.

IN THE REALM OF SKY – the small children’s book I wrote and posted here last year – has been available for you to read free-of-charge for awhile now. I want you to know that I’ll be taking it down from this site within the week. So if you want to read it before then, do so now. After that, the book will be available, hopefully late this year, but in print form. Hence you will need to buy it.  I’ll update you as that happens.

SESSION WORK – For buckets of time in the not-so-distant, I was available as a spiritual facilitator for private sessions, workshops, retreats, and speaking events. It was a potent time. I ended up taking time out, partly to go to Ireland and follow a yellow-brick road that took longer than one could possibly imagine (okay maybe you could), and partly to focus on writing and exploring our world. Recently I have started being available for session work again. This is often long distant work, so by phone or Skype. And it is always with a focus of coming home to your true essence and to the Garden of Love & Light. You are welcome to email me if you feel this work might be for you. At present I am only available to see a few clients at a time.

There are new projects beginning, new artwork, and hopefully a bit of poetry. I’ll update you on those as they happen. And thanks for taking the time to check it all out!!

burning candle


THE WHIRLWIND … If the beginning of 2015 is any indication of how this year will be, at least in the world-at-large, then hang onto your hats and get centered because that’s what we’ll need to be to either ride out the storm or shift to a new paradigm. Shifting is definitely in the cards – we have been moving toward it for awhile – as is living in The Garden.

So balance, kindness, and compassion are key now, as is that ever constant – love – which ultimately allows us to prosper in the best of ways.

It has always been my sense that to truly live in The Garden of Love, one must surrender attachments; to old ways of being, old stories, perceptions and judgements. One is often called to forgive what was in order to love what can be. The term ‘wiping the slate clean’ comes to mind.

Non-judgement (& no one said this one was going to be easy) also requires a tolerance of being; to look beyond the histories and stories (ours or another’s) to the Spirit that lives within (whether you call it Spirit, the Divine, God, or the Eternal); remembering that the essence of all Spirit is the same – that when I look at you, I am indeed looking at Spirit. When I allow that, I am able to recognize that we are all truly one.

At the level of Spirit, freedom is a way of being. It is meant to be that way in our world as well, just as we are meant to be the conscious expression of Spirit in our world.

With that in mind, freedom becomes a right, not a privilege. So when we in this world attempt to inhibit freedom – whether that be freedom of speech, freedom of expression, or any of the other freedoms we should be holding dear, we are in fact inhibiting a path to the conscious manifestation of the essence of our own being here on earth.

So here’s the thing – It is easy to allow freedom when it’s all going according to your own take on things; when what you say or believe matches what I think. It is when you speak, write, or parody in a way that seems to counter what I have chosen to believe, that the challenge arises. Will I still recognize your right to freedom of expression or will I damn it?

Voltaire, a French philosopher, writer & historian has been quoted as saying, “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” From time to time, I remind myself of this gem of wisdom, especially in moments like those in Paris recently.

I am as well a storyteller. Stories come in many forms, one of which happens to be satire. Satire has been around for longer than you and I can remember. It has always been a way to poke fun at or shine a light on that which is out of balance in the world.  Just as art in its myriad of forms has also been a way for us to rise above the mundane, to dare to dream, to live beyond the expected, to change, to laugh, to cry, and again, to shine a light on that which is or is not working.

It is through story that, consciously or not, we end up creating new worlds. How sad if the world we ended up with would be but a tiny crafted box only big enough for infinitesimally small experiences and even smaller expressions of being; a box with no freedom and very little light.

Which for some reason brings me to William Butler Yeats who wrote in a now famous poem – “I have spread my dreams under your feet.   Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.”

So in this year of 2015, let us dare to dream a world of harmony and love into being, beyond the hatred and fear. Let us reach beyond those boxes to the skies and dare to live with passion. And most importantly, let us dare to love.

Bald Eagle Soaring

Blessings and love to you all.

like a mantra –

As the dust of the world’s chaos swirls around, tempting us to enter its fray, this is what comes – like a mantra


Every moment is an opportunity, even a blessing

Every breath is the breath of love

Every view is of the Eternal – no matter who,

no matter what,

no matter where

Within & beyond all – only Love


Exploring The Possible … Through the Power of Story

I recently created a Group Page on Facebook called – Exploring the Possible … Through the Power of Story. It has been created to provide a place for people to share their stories and visions of a world of harmony & love, with the idea that in doing so, we and our world can blossom. The article that explains it all is below. You do have to ask to be a member but otherwise it’s an open site, so when you have time, go to the Group Page, take a look and see if it’s for you.



…The group has been started by ALIANA ALANI


                EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS A STORY. The stories we tell ourselves. The ones we tell each other. The ones we tell our world. Story is how we define the inner and outer of our lives, and it is how we choose to change – from an old story that no longer serves us into a new story of who we want to become.

COLLECTIVELY THESE STORIES become our histories, myths and legends. They waft through the annals of time to a later date where you or I read about them, ponder, and are often enlightened. They are the jewels in the treasure chest of life. They can also be those pesky chains that bind us to the past.

STORY COMES IN MANY FORMS – through the power of imagination and intent, it can take shape via word, sound, and visual – think book, blog, film, video, YouTube, theatre, photography, painting, illustration, speaking, singing, rapping, slam poetry, and of course music.

This is where you and I come in.



                FOR CENTURIES PEOPLE have spoken of a land of milk and honey; a place resplendent with harmony, love, and abundance. Whether envisioned through the eyes of a poet or storyteller, philosopher, mystic or messiah, it is ever etched within the fabric of the collective mind and heart of we, the people of planet earth.

                THIS LAND OF POSSIBILITY has over time been gifted many names. Some call it Shangri-La or Shamballa, some The Land of The Blessed, some Paradise, and many, The Garden of Eden. And though the dynamics within may vary, the essence of all these stories remains the same. In it, we are in tune with our inner spirit, at one with our hearts, in balance with mind and body, and at peace with all in the world which we inhabit. In it, we effortlessly flourish in a magnificent manifestation of the celebration of life. I call this place, The Garden.                   And in my heart, I know it already exists.

So here’s the opportunity – and I’m hoping you’ll want to come onboard.


WHAT IF WE EACH TAKE THE TIME to envision what The Garden looks like to us? How we feel in it and how we act in it? What if we tell a story about that in whatever form feels right? What if we share that story – here, now?

BY DOING IT, we shine a light on it in our hearts. By sharing it, we shine a light on it in our world.

IMAGINE – your story calling out a song to someone else’s – maybe you’re in North America, maybe they are in India, maybe Bali or Hawaii, Australia or New Zealand, Europe or Asia, Africa or the Middle East – maybe the story sounds similar, maybe even the same. IMAGINE – the power of love in that.

SO WHETHER YOU WRITE a poem, a short story, a song; whether you put something on YouTube and link it here; whether you do a painting or a series of photographs; whether you do an improv session at your school or local theatre and film it for us to see; whether you do it as a group or by yourself – whatever wonderful form you choose to take – take the time to tell us your story, your vision, your dream of a world of harmony and balance, love and prosperity – here and now.

HELP THE VISION GROW. The crazy thing is, if you tell it often enough, you’ll end up living it. Think where we’ll all be then.



…and remember, this is a place for sharing positive loving stories … nothing less will do

ALOHA … and thank you,  ALIANA


©2014 Aliana Alani

Sometimes there are moments

When I wander through the galaxies at night

Or feel fear on the tips of a child’s hand



Sometimes the cry is too great

The anguish, the longing too large

Sometimes the cacophony overwhelms

And I long to rest



Then somewhere the sun rises in a woman’s smilerising sun

A world turns and finally knows its own name

Joy surfaces in atoms and particles for no apparent reason



Sometimes thoughts circle like tumbleweed

Along the vast landscape of the Eternal

Bumping into each other

Cascading or colliding


But sometimes they dance

In harmony, in union

Sometimes they love

And when they do, when they do

I breathe a sigh and relax



lotus flower