Stories –

single-red-rose-3by: Aliana Alani ©2018


You can love them or hate them.
Laugh till you cry or cry till you sob.

You can bravely follow page by page,
Or sneak peek to the end, to be sure to be sure.

You can raise their swords of truth as though they were your own,
Or shake your head at the sheer folly of where they appear to go.

Through them – you can be a swashbuckler, a Cinderella, an angel, or a spy.
You can dust off your dancing shoes,
Or race that Formula One car to the finish.
In some, you can even fly.

And if they are good enough – if they are well told –
They will, at some point, capture your heart.
From that moment on, for however long a time,
You will believe them to be your own.

lotus flower

The Man and The Angel

*This wee story looks long but it really isn’t, so hang in there. And thanks for that!


The Man and The Angel                                        By: Aliana Alani ©2016

The man and the angel were sitting on the fence drinking tea. The kind that helps you see more clearly. The man thought it was your everyday ordinary black tea. The angel knew otherwise.  They were sitting on a lovely stone fence, the kind with rocks and moss and tiny pretty flowers peeking out. It was a grand day. A day of sunlight upon green grasses. One could almost say that it was magical. Not a dark cloud in the sky.

The angel hovered in thought, picking his moment. The man waited. He could feel something coming. After all, they’d had these chats before.

“It’s a grand day.” The angel said, stating the obvious.

“Aye, it is.”

“You’re fond of grand days, are you not?”

“I am.”

“It would be a shame for that to change.” The angel threw that out gently.

The man fussed a little within. He didn’t take much to round-about conversations. “And why, for the love of God, would that change? Other than your occasional storm, that is.”

The angel let out a sigh. “The words of the world are spinning into a great tempest, my friend. Soon all the ranting and raging will erupt like an angry volcano. What will happen then will depend largely on what happens now.”

“You’re talking in riddles again.”

“Then I’ll be direct.” The angel smiled. The man nodded, though he inwardly knew it was highly probable that he was not going to like what was to be said at all at all. “You didn’t come here for this – all this fighting and fuming, this destroying of things.”

“I thought you said we came here to learn.”

“You did. But you came here to remember who you are more. Besides, do you not think you’ve learned about destruction enough?  It would seem to us that you acquired a PhD in it lifetimes ago. All you’re doing now is circling the wagons of remembering. What’s to learn in that?”

“You’re exaggerating.”

“Am I? Even if I was,” the angel sighed again, “the point is this – you’re running out of time. You must come home to your true being now. You came to this exquisite planet to participate in all of its beauty, not destroy it, so that you could open to the garden of life that exists within yourself and all creation, and in so doing, dare to dive into the deepest caverns of your own heart so that you would know, beyond question or doubt, that you, YOU, my friend, are indeed divine love incarnate.”

Your man blushed. “Aye, well I wouldn’t go that far. I’m a fair enough lover, I’ll grant you that, but…”

“You know what I’m saying.

The man nodded. “And if we dive into that deep heart? What then?”

The angel smiled. “Then you’re home – wherever you are.”

The man swirled that one around in his mind. “Will it really make a difference?”

“It will to you.”

He grinned. “And what happens to one happens to all.”

The angel looked him straight in the eye. “You could say that.”

The man thought about it for a moment, feeling the impact of the angel’s gaze, then he took a colossally deep breath and popped down off the fence, straightening his jacket as he landed, as if he was about to meet God Himself. “Right then, I’ll give it a go.” He paused, turned to the angel. “But you’d best hang around for awhile – to make sure I get it right.”

“As you wish.”

With that, they sauntered together, the man and the angel, with a glint and a laugh, into the light of the green grasses and the soft air of tomorrow today.

Remembering… ©Aliana Alani 2015



Once, long ago, I sauntered across a desert, red and endless.Deep Red sand dunes of the Strzelecki Desert in outback South Australia.

You were there, waiting.


Recently, as time flies, I entered a crowd-filled room

Only to find you, once again.


galaxy and stars

We are ancient, you and I.

Somehow beyond time and space.




Yet every so often we meet,

Star lovers crossing the heavens.

Our hearts mingle for but a brief second –

And we remember.


Then it appears we are no more.

But that is an illusion – isn’t it.


Today, your people call forth.

They cry for understanding, justice –

Perhaps even love?


How can I not hear?

After all, we are one, you and I,

Whether in the heavens or now.


Isn’t that the purpose of remembering?

That, and love.


 … for Dale … and for the Australian Aboriginal people, especially those in the remote communities – may your call be heard and answered with love

Poetic Musings…

                                                                                                             ©Aliana Alani 2015


Soft in the light I wandercandle-flame

Angels hovering – waiting, protecting

‘To be or not to be’ sing the strains of Hamlet

The air ripe with questions

Perhaps even possibilities

And I, riding their undulating waves,

Await answers – but from where

To be

                what would that mean –




In The Realm of Sky

I mentioned last month that I would be taking the pdf of In The Realm of Sky off the site. It took a little longer to get around to than anticipated due to some unexpected developments in my life (more on that later, maybe). So today is the day.

I truly hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it, and I hope you have enjoyed receiving it free-of-charge.  To me, it is a magical story.

Until a print book copy is done (hopefully late this year), the pdf of the story will still be available upon request, but for a small fee. Just email me at or leave a comment/request below if you haven’t read In The Realm of Sky and want to.

I’ll be keeping a wee info page regarding the story on the site so that anyone can check it out at their leisure.

Wishing you a heart-filled delicious day!


Remember …

that deep within

You are the love you seek.

Warm wishes for a wonderful 2015 coming your way!  May all your fondest clearest and most empowered dreams come true, and may they always be filled with love.

We are almost at the end of January (how quickly it goes) and already it’s been a whirlwind of a time in our world. I’m coming to you late in this as are my good wishes to you. New Year’s found me flat out with that flu/cold virus that has swept across North America and so it’s taken awhile to rise up from that bed and catch up with, well just about everything.

So here’s goes … a bit of news on the work and a few thoughts re what’s been going on.

lotus flower

TEMPLATES FROM THE GARDEN – the sacred geometry artwork I’ve been doing. There’s a new one available. It’s called – Awakening Creativity. It’s big, it’s beautiful, it’s powerful. If you feel drawn to see it, to perhaps become a Keeper of its Focus or to buy it as artwork, send me a quick email c/o or leave a message here and I’ll get back to you with images and info.

IN THE REALM OF SKY – the small children’s book I wrote and posted here last year – has been available for you to read free-of-charge for awhile now. I want you to know that I’ll be taking it down from this site within the week. So if you want to read it before then, do so now. After that, the book will be available, hopefully late this year, but in print form. Hence you will need to buy it.  I’ll update you as that happens.

SESSION WORK – For buckets of time in the not-so-distant, I was available as a spiritual facilitator for private sessions, workshops, retreats, and speaking events. It was a potent time. I ended up taking time out, partly to go to Ireland and follow a yellow-brick road that took longer than one could possibly imagine (okay maybe you could), and partly to focus on writing and exploring our world. Recently I have started being available for session work again. This is often long distant work, so by phone or Skype. And it is always with a focus of coming home to your true essence and to the Garden of Love & Light. You are welcome to email me if you feel this work might be for you. At present I am only available to see a few clients at a time.

There are new projects beginning, new artwork, and hopefully a bit of poetry. I’ll update you on those as they happen. And thanks for taking the time to check it all out!!

burning candle


THE WHIRLWIND … If the beginning of 2015 is any indication of how this year will be, at least in the world-at-large, then hang onto your hats and get centered because that’s what we’ll need to be to either ride out the storm or shift to a new paradigm. Shifting is definitely in the cards – we have been moving toward it for awhile – as is living in The Garden.

So balance, kindness, and compassion are key now, as is that ever constant – love – which ultimately allows us to prosper in the best of ways.

It has always been my sense that to truly live in The Garden of Love, one must surrender attachments; to old ways of being, old stories, perceptions and judgements. One is often called to forgive what was in order to love what can be. The term ‘wiping the slate clean’ comes to mind.

Non-judgement (& no one said this one was going to be easy) also requires a tolerance of being; to look beyond the histories and stories (ours or another’s) to the Spirit that lives within (whether you call it Spirit, the Divine, God, or the Eternal); remembering that the essence of all Spirit is the same – that when I look at you, I am indeed looking at Spirit. When I allow that, I am able to recognize that we are all truly one.

At the level of Spirit, freedom is a way of being. It is meant to be that way in our world as well, just as we are meant to be the conscious expression of Spirit in our world.

With that in mind, freedom becomes a right, not a privilege. So when we in this world attempt to inhibit freedom – whether that be freedom of speech, freedom of expression, or any of the other freedoms we should be holding dear, we are in fact inhibiting a path to the conscious manifestation of the essence of our own being here on earth.

So here’s the thing – It is easy to allow freedom when it’s all going according to your own take on things; when what you say or believe matches what I think. It is when you speak, write, or parody in a way that seems to counter what I have chosen to believe, that the challenge arises. Will I still recognize your right to freedom of expression or will I damn it?

Voltaire, a French philosopher, writer & historian has been quoted as saying, “I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” From time to time, I remind myself of this gem of wisdom, especially in moments like those in Paris recently.

I am as well a storyteller. Stories come in many forms, one of which happens to be satire. Satire has been around for longer than you and I can remember. It has always been a way to poke fun at or shine a light on that which is out of balance in the world.  Just as art in its myriad of forms has also been a way for us to rise above the mundane, to dare to dream, to live beyond the expected, to change, to laugh, to cry, and again, to shine a light on that which is or is not working.

It is through story that, consciously or not, we end up creating new worlds. How sad if the world we ended up with would be but a tiny crafted box only big enough for infinitesimally small experiences and even smaller expressions of being; a box with no freedom and very little light.

Which for some reason brings me to William Butler Yeats who wrote in a now famous poem – “I have spread my dreams under your feet.   Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.”

So in this year of 2015, let us dare to dream a world of harmony and love into being, beyond the hatred and fear. Let us reach beyond those boxes to the skies and dare to live with passion. And most importantly, let us dare to love.

Bald Eagle Soaring

Blessings and love to you all.

IN THE REALM OF SKY is here now.

I wanted you all to know – I’ve just uploaded a new page –

imagineIN THE REALM OF SKY (pdf link).

This is the story I told you about recently. It’s available to read either on the page or by downloading it. Just click on the pdf link on the page and it should take you there.

If you have any problems, leave me a message. If need be, you can email me and I’ll send you the pdf.

I hope you will read it. It’s a touching story – both for children and the child within us all – about a beautiful little star who has a very important mission.

It is my hope that it might bring a little more magic into our world. What a blessing that would be – for us all.

Because it feels important to share it, it is (for now at least) free-of-charge.


Blessings to you all, Aliana

Coming to you soon – IN THE REALM OF SKY


Stories can be funny things. Sometimes you struggle to hear them. Sometimes they will call at you until you answer. IN THE REALM OF SKY was one of those. Its first words came like a waterfall. I had no idea what the story was going to be about, nor its primary form, only that it desired to be shared and would not leave me be.

Until last year, I didn’t write children’s stories. So I didn’t know this would be one. It is a sweet small poignant tale that any of us, young or older, can appreciate. Its message is universal. And it wants to be shared. Recently it seemed important to do just that.

So I am making this little book available to you all, at the moment free-of-charge, in pdf format. You are welcome to read it and to download it (changing it in any way is not an option). I am hopeful that sometime soon there will be money to make it available in print form as well. For now, this will do.

It will be available soon here on my web blog – (look for the page marked IN THE REALM OF SKY) – and from me personally via email –

IN THE REALM OF SKY is meant to be shared with the world, so please let others know about it.imagine

If this story touches your heart, I’d love to hear from you, and if you would like to contribute to it or future stories of mine coming to you this way, please feel free to click on the PayPal Donate button on my blog at All donations are gratefully received.

Blessings and Aloha to you all!


like a mantra –

As the dust of the world’s chaos swirls around, tempting us to enter its fray, this is what comes – like a mantra


Every moment is an opportunity, even a blessing

Every breath is the breath of love

Every view is of the Eternal – no matter who,

no matter what,

no matter where

Within & beyond all – only Love
