Hello All You Gorgeous People…

sunflower garden

In the midst of all the craziness out there – in case you might have forgotten (and understandably so) – remember – wherever you focus your attention, especially intensely, is what you help bring into being.

With that in mind, if you haven’t already, start giving thanks for the good health you have and that of friends and family every moment of every day. Give thanks to the world for being a world in balance and harmony. Yes, even now.

SEE and FEEL that balance and harmony with each step you take. Walk it as if it were true no matter what else appears to be around. Breathe it in until you know it is so! And then dare to LOVE that great good health and harmony into being NOW, for all and everyone.

And sure, wash you hands well. Do diligence on these things. But do them out of an energy of love, not fear.

It matters. And so do YOU.


You are Love, and you are most definitely loved.



yellow flowers



Something new…

Hi Everyone!

Wanted to let you know, there’s a new PAGE to view which I just posted.

It’s called, ANCHORING IN THE LOVE EACH DAY. It would be awesome if you would go take a peek – click here to view, ANCHORING IN THE LOVE EACH DAY…

If you like what it has to say, then do spread the word, and DREAM the dream!

Love and infinite sparkles.


star dust gold






Flowers midst the chill…

It’s snowy here, with a winter frost, and a chill beyond the norm. The desire to hunker down, wrap yourself in leaves of warmth, submerge until … But this is precisely the time to dare to bloom, to open wide the tenderness of heart, and find that precious gem of golden light that speaks to the truth of you who really are.

snowdrops-3237705_1280Deep space Love blooming like snowdrops from within the ground of our remembering, bursting forth midst the sun-kissed light of day.

For this is who you are, this deep space Love. This is YOU, the Eternal Heart, calling you to remember, to live anew, to dare, to dream, to imagine infinite possibilities wrapped in infinite Love, emitting forth with infinite joy. This is YOU.

So go on now, IMAGINE … YOU bursting forth like precious snowdrops into the exquisite light of day.



I can feel your smile from here.









Yes, it’s that time!



We have crested the wave from one decade to another, landing smack dab in the early morning light (okay, maybe some of you got there sooner depending on where you live) of 2020. The beginning of the beginning of the new decade.

What will we do now?

2020 – Has a nice ring, doesn’t it. Even numbers, infinite possibilities, even in the midst of seeming chaos. As though we just might be able to sculpt a beautiful story of light and love out of its core. As though magic just might live in its centre, waiting for us to discover it.

Of course, the path to it is all heart-based. Nothing less will do, right. So do we dare to sing a song of Love in the midst of whatever else the first wave attempts to throw our way? Do we see beyond the illusion to the infinite wonder? Do we say YES to a positive Universe?

The choice is ours.

So get off that surfboard for a few minutes. Drink in the deep space silence that hangs out inside your heart. And listen.

When it speaks, and it will, give gratitude for all it has told you, and then follow its magical mystical sparkle dust road to the core of what is possible in this, YOUR, life.

It will take you to the heart. It always does.



fireworks with heart

Have a wonderful, peace-filled, kind, generous, and deep love 2020 life!! 



…thanks to the person who uploaded the 2020 image online, which I obviously borrowed.


And a BIG thanks to YOU for daring to be the LOVE you truly are.









Remember – Love is the answer, always.











Love IS the answer … and it lives deep within you.




So go be the sunflower in your life.

Open those inner doors

and let the light of the love you are shine through.




IMAGINE what will happen then!



Have a glorious day, wherever you may be.



fireworks with heart







This is for You…

Alright, all you wonderful bits of starlight out there, this one is for you.




I want you to know how exquisitely beautiful you are, right here, right now. Yes, YOU.

Doesn’t matter where you find yourself in life at the moment … doesn’t matter if your clothes are brand new or a bit threadbare … doesn’t matter if you are living in a castle of a house or a wee hobbit of a home (I personally like hobbits and hobbit homes, but that’s another story) … doesn’t matter if you have a ton of the green stuff (no, we are not talking about vegetables or weeds of whatever kind your mind might have immediately surfed to), nor does it matter if you still haven’t found that pot of gold (just popped over to the leprechauns now, didn’t you – HAH).

What matters is that you remember who you truly are. And who you truly are – no matter what anyone tells you, or what circumstances you currently find yourself in – is a gorgeous expression of Divine Love – yes, really!

That beating heart of yours holds a key, and like all good stories in life, it is a key to Love. And Love, compassionate and unconditional, heals all wounds, opens all doors, and is a guaranteed fast-track to the core of the Eternal Heart.


So go on, oh glorious ones – you are glorious, in case you had forgotten – dare to BE, dare to LOVE, and dare to ALLOW that garden of loving abundance that is within you to unfold – straight from the heart.


And don’t forget, when the time is right, share a bit of it with your world. When you do, your world will begin to glow with the loving abundance that lives within the core of its being too. Imagine that!

Now get out there and have an absolutely scrumptious day!


Sending sparkles of love and joy your way!


fireworks with heart







earth in space  2


Consider the possibility that you are all that is …

And as such, Love is your natural state of being.




Dream Vision

Dream Vision – Vision DreamDigital Camera
By Aliana Alani ©2017




You who come to me in the soft hours
Wearing soft cloaks spun with soft sounds
Of sacred worlds,

Soon – if it is time,
Soon – if you agree,
I will sing you into being.

I will sing you, Dream Vision,
From the edges of the glacial mists of knowing
Through the depths of the Eternal Heart
Into the radiant oceans of Now.

I will sing you, Vision Dream,
Soon – if it is time,
Soon – if you agree.

I will sing you into being
Until your world and mine are one,
Then we shall tread a golden realm of love
Together once again.

Hear my call, Dream Vision,
For I will sing you into being.
I will sing you.
I will sing.

Will any notice?
Perhaps not.



A Light of Love

THIS IS A LIGHT OF LOVE.     If we all turned on such a light, think what it would say about our lamp2-txt-sized-downworld. Think what healing might come out of that.

To learn more about what this is all about, please go to the page A Light in the Window  If it touches your heart, turn on that light – and share this posting (and the ones to come) wherever you can.

Love is the answer. Always has been. Always will be.

Ask only…

                                                                    By Aliana Alani ©2016

tuberose 3

Ask not of others
to be what you want
them to be.

Ask only of yourself
to be who you
truly are.